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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Homemade Dog Food for Annie

As if I don't have enough to do lately I decided to start making Annie homemade dog food. She is almost 14, has hardly any teeth left in her mouth and is showing signs of possible diabetes so don't want her to eat that canned dog food anymore that is full of terrible things and I think made her sick when Dave was in the hospital this last time. I found this recipe online for diabetic dog food and made it up today. She loves it. I found a giant bag of legs and thighs at Walmart super cheap, and made enough for 3 batches. It freezes well they said so I am going to put it in the freezer with 1 cup a day servings for her so it should make enough for a few weeks at least. There was enough chicken legs/thighs left so I cooked some up for chicken and dumplings for us tonight besides. we all will be eating chicken tonight! The Dicalcium Phosphate is a nutrient supplement-I read up on it before making the dog food.  you don't have to add it, but I did.

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food for Annie:

1 cup cooked pasta-I used spaghetti noodles and cut them up
1-1/4 cup cooked chicken-I roasted it in the oven for about an hour using just legs and thighs
1/2 Tbsp corn oil sprinkled on the chicken
1/2 tsp salt-I just salted the chicken
1/2 cup carrots-I roasted them with the chicken-I actually added more like 3/4 cups for each batch because I wasn't sure how many to roast-I roasted 6 whole ones
1 teaspoon dilcacium phosphate

I ground up all the chicken and carrots (you don't have to do this, but I didn't want Annie picking out carrot chunks and eating only the chicken in chunks. Toss everything in a big bowl and mix well with your hands.  Separate into serving size bags and freeze or refrigerate for up to 3 days.  Annie only weighs about 20 lbs so 1 cup a day is about her size, plus she sometimes gets some meat snacks from Dave..

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