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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Work in Progress/Obsession

Sorry I haven't been on here as much lately, but I am obsessed with my crochet project, Sophie's is so fun to do the weekly "CAL" (crochet a long) posts.  I am way way behind the rest of the people making it and with working full time 4 days a week, I will never catch up, but the owner of the site is going to keep it up forever I hear and I will keep plugging along because I love the finished product and am learning a lot besides.  Many of the stitches I have never done before and they have a video tutorial to guide me through each round-ideal!  Anyway, between laundry, housework and very little cooking today I am working as hard as I can on it..(fun working hard)..more to come as the weeks go by..
I just wasn't happy with my center and the tan I used, so I did plastic surgery on my Sophie this weekend.  made a new center and removed the old one and attached the new one.  I am much happier with it now..the tan was an ugly tan and a scratchy yarn and it just jumped out at is the new sophie..before I wove in the strings from her surgery and added some rows to her this weekend.

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